

The Institute follows a strategy of multiple means to increase public outreach to enhance peoples’ understanding with regard to role and working of the Parliament. These include publications, website information, training and diversified programs involving college and university youth, women, media men, civil society organizations and people from all walks of life. The Institute has an elaborate outreach program where it intends to provide an interface between civil society, and the legislators for consultations on public policy matters, assessing legislations as well as holding public hearings.
PIPS is mandated to enhance the awareness of different strata of society with regard to role and working of the Parliament. In this context, the Institute has developed numerous publications in an otherwise short span such as the Members Orientation Booklet 2008, Senators Orientation Booklet 2009, Budget Analysis Guide for Parliamentarians, Discover the Parliament – PIPS guide for the Youth 2010, which have been distributed among members and civil society as well as uploaded on the institute’s website. The PIPS also runs a youth awareness program across all provinces of Pakistan with regard to enhancing their understanding of role and working of the Parliament and role of youth to engage the legislators.

  • Following are the major initiatives undertaken by PIPS in this regard:
  • Arranging information sessions, seminars, workshops and briefings for CSOs, media professionals and university students;
  • Arranging interactive sessions to answer queries from the public and media as well as to increase interaction with the elected representatives;
  • Assisting in organizing public hearings and policy dialogues on socio-economic issues to obtain and consolidate public opinion;
  • Using public input to develop and launch parliamentary development initiatives;
  • Assisting in the development of successful and meaningful constituency programs with emphasis on public meetings, constituency casework and tools to enhance member-constituent communication;
  • Conducting training programs related to developing effective media-parliament relations;
  • Publishing and widely circulating PIPS Newsletter, brochures, calendars, fact sheets and other pertinent publications related to the work of the parliament;
  • Organizing Parliament exposure visits for university students;
  • Updating and maintaining PIPS website; and
  • Carrying out research studies and publishing articles on a range of topics linked to parliamentary development.

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